Friday, August 24, 2012

Not Quite Herding Cattle

It's not quite herding cattle, but not much beats the view from up here.  Thanks to a couple of great riding instructors, one professional and one my very patient sweetheart, I can now ride a horse without looking like a discombobulated trick rider dangling sideways from my mount.

After eight months of lessons, I am proud to say I can manage a comfortable trot, better if chewing gum (must be something about the rhythm), and even manage to break into a lope occasionally, sometimes even on purpose.

All kidding aside, I can hardly believe just about a year ago, I had only ridden a horse once or twice since the pony I had when I was five. Now, thanks to some great people, I own a sweet ranch horse recalled from retirement and am looking forward to starting to following cattle in the next week or two.

Thank you, Jerry, Cathy, Sarah, and Chad!

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