Friday, August 24, 2012

Dishing It Up, Pioneer Woman Style

If you haven't heard of the fabulous Pioneer Woman, I've got to tell you, she's a blogger, photographer, and cook extraordinaire. She writes about ranch life, family, and food. She's entertaining, funny, and I'm learning, a pretty darn good cook.

I've heard her recipes are great, and I've finally gotten around to trying one. Yesterday, faced with one of the most beautiful cuts of meat I've ever seen, a gorgeously marbled chuck roast from Mitchell Farms, I turned to the Internet in search of the perfect recipe.

When I came across hers, I knew it had to be the one. It was, after all, labeled "Perfect Pot Roast." And Sister, she wasn't kidding.

My sweetheart raved about it. Said it was the best roast he'd ever tasted. He's good like that. He even came by for leftovers for lunch. That's really, really good.

I've got to admit, it was probably the red wine that pulled me in initially. Sounded fancy.

But I was hesitant to invest the time in browning the onions, searing the roast, and deglazing (fancy again) the pan before popping it in the oven to bake for four hours.

Oh, but it was so worth my time,

so very worth it.

Here's the link to The Pioneer Woman's Perfect Pot Roast recipe -

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