Thursday, July 26, 2012

Silver Lining

A silver lining, there always seems to be one, often where you least expect it, kind of like the brilliant sunlight poking through these clouds.

Sunlight through storm clouds
Southwest Oklahoma
Poster prints available here.

Cowboy Break

My sweetheart looking over open fields near the Red River just after sunrise; wearing cowboy hat, chaps, and gloves, he takes a quick break after rounding up cattle on horseback before branding calves.

Near Davidson, Oklahoma

Monday, July 23, 2012

Learning From a Ranch Horse

When I went out on a ranch horse to watch as two men separated and brought in a calf this spring, I learned quickly the well-trained horse knew what to do and wanted to help, even if I didn't. We came to an agreement that we would sit that round out, even if he wasn't quite happy about it.

But ever since, I've had this yearning to learn to work cattle on horseback. I'm hoping Wilma will be just the girl to help me do it.

Peters Farms
Frederick, Oklahoma

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Still in drought, there has been little moisture this summer, but a recent half-inch rain brought refreshment to this little kildeer.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Farming and Ranching Near the Red River

In a place where farming and ranching are such an integral part of living, it only seems natural to include the land in family pictures. Jerry and Pam Mitchell were kind enough to let me play portrait photographer for a day.

Near the Red River along the Oklahoma Texas border

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Fire In the Sky

Storm watching is a front porch activity around here. People don't get too excited until a funnel actually touches the ground. This part of the country is often referred to as tornado alley, and it's a well-earned name. In fact, my first published photograph was of a tornado taken from my grandparents' front yard, when I was 15, as my grandfather looked on.

Today as the clouds moved in and the temperature dropped, I found a good spot and settled in my grandparents' yard. And waited.

Lightning in Tornado Alley
July 10, 2012
South of Frederick, Oklahoma

Saturday, July 7, 2012

No Big Deal

"This'll be no big deal," he told me. "Head down to the mile line and you'll be able to see us moving them across the road."

One heifer and calf broke to the left, thinking they would go their own way, but they were quickly rounded up and rejoined the herd.

Sure enough, the three men made it look simple, driving 80 head of heifers and calves across open pasture and dirt road.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Moving Them Through

Calves ready to be worked
Mitchell Farms
Near Frederick, Oklahoma

Shrinking Towns

Davidson, Oklahoma
Too many buildings on the plains these days have reached this sad sort of end. Owners have become unable to or uninterested in upkeep and have let homes and business buildings go to ruin. As farming has changed and manufacturing jobs have been shipped overseas, rural towns have shrunk, leaving them unable to support the types of economies they once did. My hometown, to my understanding, has shrunk about 25% over the past 20 years. Still I'm convinced better people can't be found anywhere.


In cow pasture
Southwest Oklahoma
This is one of my favorite birds. I remember following them, as a child, as they walked along the once muddy, hardened ground around the pond behind my grandparents' house, listening to their distinctive call and wondering why in the world they didn't fly away.

Tagging Calves

Readying an ear tag
Mitchell Farms
Near Frederick, Oklahoma

Tagging a calf
Mitchell Farms
Near Frederick, Oklahoma

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Working Calves

The crew of five saddled their horses by tractor light and had them trailered and rolling by 5:30 a.m. In the early morning light, they made easy work of rounding up the beautiful Red Angus, penned and sorted them. Then worked the calves quickly and calmly, sending them through the chute one by one, tagging, worming, and branding.