Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Have iPhone Will Photo

With the computer gone (R.I.P. HP), I didn't have the luxury of downloading photos from my "real" camera. But with iPhone in hand, I couldn't resist the urge to keep taking photos.

Above: Clouds roll in
Southwest Oklahoma

Above: Cattle graze as clouds gather overhead
Near the Oklahoma Texas border

Above: Waiting for rain 
Tillman County, Oklahoma

Above: "Busy Corner"
Hollis, Oklahoma

Above: Ladybug eggs
Southwest Oklahoma

Above: Hay bales and house
Near Hollister, Oklahoma

Above: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
The State Bird of Oklahoma
Near Frederick, Oklahoma
(Really wishing I had the "real" camera and zoom lens here)

Above: Wheat ready for harvest
Tillman County, Oklahoma

Above: Glad for muddy boots!
Thankful for the rain.
Tillman County, Oklahoma

Above: Wind sweeping down the plains
Near Oklaunion, Texas

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