Friday, June 22, 2012

Bobby and Jake

Ranch horses, Bobby and Jake
Southwest Oklahoma

Ranch horses, Bobby and Jake, take a day off from working cattle and graze under a cloudy Oklahoma sky. Bobby, the big guy in front, kept an eye on me, seeming concerned I might lure a new black mare away from his herd.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Have iPhone Will Photo

With the computer gone (R.I.P. HP), I didn't have the luxury of downloading photos from my "real" camera. But with iPhone in hand, I couldn't resist the urge to keep taking photos.

Above: Clouds roll in
Southwest Oklahoma

Above: Cattle graze as clouds gather overhead
Near the Oklahoma Texas border

Above: Waiting for rain 
Tillman County, Oklahoma

Above: "Busy Corner"
Hollis, Oklahoma

Above: Ladybug eggs
Southwest Oklahoma

Above: Hay bales and house
Near Hollister, Oklahoma

Above: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
The State Bird of Oklahoma
Near Frederick, Oklahoma
(Really wishing I had the "real" camera and zoom lens here)

Above: Wheat ready for harvest
Tillman County, Oklahoma

Above: Glad for muddy boots!
Thankful for the rain.
Tillman County, Oklahoma

Above: Wind sweeping down the plains
Near Oklaunion, Texas


A few months ago, my computer, abruptly and unceremoniously, died. Not the sort of lingering demise most computers suffer these days, starting and stopping, offering up error messages for months, it happened quickly, simply flashing an error message three or four times, then the black screen of death. It went all at once, "both feet in the grave" as a mournful computer tech described it, leaving nothing of itself behind, no pictures of the kids, no expensive software, no operating system. Its lasting memorial, the bitter sting of images lost forever and a good round of kicking myself for not backing up more often. R.I.P. HP.